Best Buy

Today was a good day. For some reason, I still woke up in time for work even though I didn't have to go today. That doesn't mean that I got out of bed then. No way. I just rolled over and went back to sleep for an hour or so. For some reason when I sleep, the most that I can sleep is eight hours. Any more than eight and I start to feel like shit and you might as well call me zombie boy for the rest of the day.

When I did finally did get going in the early afternoon, I did some errands and thought about taking in a matinee. First stop was the bank where I exchanged the change in my piggy bank for some paper money. From the bank I went and promptly spent the money at Best Buy. My piggy bank by the way is a minature version of the Tardis from Doctor Who. I've had this bank for about thirteen years. The teller told me that she thought it was cute. I myself thought that the teller was cute, but I didn't say anything. Anyway on to Best Buy.

I went to Best Buy with the intention of buying one cd at the most with my new paper money. I left the store with two cds and a movie. John Lennon and a Sheryl Crow single have now been added to my music collection. The movie selection was the widescreen version of Twelve Monkeys.

The other day in the diary collaboration (which I forgot to participate in because I was too busy fuming about road rage), we were to choose ten people to invite to dinner. John Lennon would have to be at my dinner, let's just overlook the fact that he is dead. He has always been the Beatle of choice for me. Paul is just too nice and I don't think that I can ever forgive him for Ebony and Ivory. Plus he sold the rights to the songs to the freak. Ugh.

John gave the world Strawberry Fields Forever, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and Instant Karma. He was bright, funny and wrote some damn good pop songs. Yes, I do tend to mumble when it comes to the topic of Yoko.

As long as I am mentioning people for my dinner, here are the other nine in no particular order.

James Joyce (dead, but he gave us Ulysses and Finnegans Wake before he left)

Henry Rollins (great spoken word albums)

Tori Amos (she could talk with Neil if she got bored talking with me)

Neil Gaiman (he gave us the Sandman, but if you listen to Tori you already knew that little piece of information)

Alan Moore (he wrote the Watchmen and he knows Neil)

Orson Welles (dead, but he made Citizen Kane before he was as old as I am now)

Pablo Picasso (dead, but he created modern art as far as I am concerned)

Terry Gilliam (Brazil, the Fisher King and Twelve Monkeys)

Bjork (no, I haven't bought the new album yet even though I saw it in the store today)

Yes, I know that the men outnumber the women, but I think that Tori and Bjork can make up the difference.

Oh, we would eat pizza and drink beer.

I am not a coffee drinker. On an impulse buy, I bought some Starbucks coffee today, the prepackaged kind in the nine and a half ounce bottles. I love the stuff, but two quick bottles and I couldn't sit still anymore. I ended up working out to the Dookie cd by Green Day. This makes no sense of course. I am hyperactive because of coffee which is not healthy and I workout to pop punk music. Then again I think that every musclehead that I have ever known works out to Metallica. Yeah, I am sure that James Hettfield benches three hundred.

I now have plans to go to Appleton this weekend. Dan, an old friend from college lives there and we haven't gotten together in months. Plus I need to get out of Milwaukee for a few days.

The small sketch on the front page was done by me a few years ago. Yes, it is me.



