Makes Me Shudder

I fell asleep on the couch last night. I had been watching Twelve Monkeys and didn't feel like stumbling the extra few feet to my bedroom. So I woke up with the sun shining in my face this morning. Ugh.

For some reason, I dreamt about my girlfriend from college. Nothing sexual, sorry to disappoint everyone or those that were hoping. She was showing her friend all of these special effects that she could do with Photoshop. Of course I don't have any of these effects on my computer. Or I might have them, but have not figured them out yet. She never spoke directly to me. Every time that she talked it was to her friend not me. I guess that she is still angry at me from our falling out of two years ago. Or maybe its a dream telling me that I no longer exist in her mind.

I got an annoying phone call this afternoon. Actually I wasn't home so it was an annoying message on my answering machine. It seems that the landlord that I had when I lived with my last girlfriend was awarded judgment in his favor against her. You see both her and her current boyfriend decided not to pay rent in the place that I had originally gotten for her and myself. My name had been in the lease and I had to go to court earlier this year and have my name removed from the whole mess. My lawyer made it so that the landlord can not ask me for any money. I owe him nothing. If he does bother me again then I can file against him. My oh so responsible last girlfriend owes over two thousand dollars in back rent and damages. I still shudder to think about what my life would have been like if I stayed with her.

The reason that the landlord called was to tell me the news and that due to a clerical error my name was still on some paperwork. He assured me that our agreement was still valid and that he had no further business with me. He didn't want me to panic if I got some strange paperwork from the court in the mail.

Just leave me alone. I had put all of that behind me and then this call today.

I didn't go to see a movie this afternoon, I just watched the rest of Twelve Monkeys.

I can't really explain my mood today. Not having to go to work was nice, but I didn't really do anything else out of the ordinary. What I did do was scan some photos of my niece for my sister and our parents.

Maybe having the combined memories of two women that spanned four years of my life resurface was too much for me today. Both of them had big impacts on my life. I have a box of stuff from both of them. I guess that I am just sentimental.

Time to go to sleep.



