Six Hours Later

I'm still recovering from crossing Wisconsin tonight. Six hours in a car is not my idea of a good time. I'll try to highlight some of what happened over the weekend before I fall asleep.

The ride to Minneapolis on Friday was much better than the ride home tonight. For one thing, I went during the day on Friday. Being able to see more than headlights and taillights makes the ride just that much more tolerable.

Friday night was mostly pizza and talking. Both of my hosts had worked that day and the ride there had made me tired as well, so we kept it simple.

Most of Saturday was spent watching a Real World marathon. I think that I have mentioned before that I am addicted to the show. Then when my hosts managed to tear me away from the set, they took me to a very nice Italian restaurant for supper. After we learned what was meant by family style portions we went to an Irish bar, where we spent the rest of the evening listening to tradtional Irish music and drinking Irish cider or something.

Now this may or may not be the ideal birthday for most people but it was good enough for me. My hosts didn't even know that it was my birthday until I told them late in the evening. I try to keep these things as low key as possible.

This birthday was a real contrast to my birthday of two years ago, which was a day of sex. This was two months into the relationship with Tracy, so this seemed like a good way to celebrate. Last years birthday was me just being thankful that I was living on my own again.

Well tomorow I'll resume my tales of buying furniture and changing lightbulbs.




