Let There Be Light Today started just as slowly as yesterday. Its a great feeling to be paid to sleep late and wander around the house. For most of the morning, I just read the comic books that I bought yesterday. There I was sprawled out on the living room floor reading them under the glow of a newly restored halogen floor lamp. The bulb must have been weak for a long time, because it seems brighter than I remember it being before. Then again I think that I was getting used to the sixty watt incandescent bulb for the past week or so. Now I bathe in the light of a three hundred watt halogen bulb. I didn't leave the house at all today except to get the mail. I just lounged around and decided to redesign my old web page. Its more of a supplement to the journal anyway. This time around I am going to talk more about why I like something than just putting a picture there and letting the reader wonder. I can be literate when I want to be. I finalized the directions for my trip to Minneapolis tomorrow. This will also be the first time that I have seen my old roommate's house. It should be a good time. Saturday is my birthday and I'll be without a computer. As a matter of fact this will be my last entry until I get back on Sunday, because they don't have a computer at where I am staying. I was going to put a baby picture of me up for my birthday, but I was too lazy to make the hour drive to my parents house today. So I guess that will have to wait until I get back as well. I'm so tired and I don't know why.