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I'm starting to feel like myself again. For most of the week I felt miserable and didn't really feel like going to work. Even this morning was a struggle getting out of bed. Then when I did go to work I started to feel even worse. I started to let myself get all worked up over the expense account problem and it became all that I could think about for a few days. It really bothered me that I wasted so much energy on something that would eventually work its way out. At least tomorrow is Friday and I can put it all behind me.

Tony, who works in my department, asked me if I was feeling better today. The poor guy got to listen to me piss and moan for most of the week. His cube is next to mine, so he didn't have much choice in the matter.

I just have to keep moving forward and teach myself whatever I can.

I have three options for tomorrow. One option is to go to a party that my boss is giving after work. Two women from work offered to car pool with me, so driving there and back wouldn't be a problem. Then again I really don't feel like drinking.

The second option is to go out to dinner with Ginkgo. Its our weekly little get together where she listens to me ramble for hours. Now this option is more appealing than the first one, because its comfortable and doesn't involve drinking.

The third option is to go to Best Buy and ask Nicole out. This option is the most risky, but might also be the most rewarding for me. If I had been thinking, I would have asked her out when I bought the television.

I still can't believe that I got her to curtsy for me. Maybe something was there. Or maybe its all in my imagination. Either way I'll find out tomorrow night, if I decide to go there and ask her.



