Moody Most of today's entry was composed at work. I think that I have mentioned that I have a fair amount of free time during the day to do other things. So I decided to start writing about what was going through my mind this morning. The final topics seem to be the moon, Joe Henry, Christmas and Nicole. A few other topics were discarded because they would have seemed even more cryptic than I usually sound here. On the ride into work this morning I noticed that it looked as though the moon was full a few days ago. I think that its funny that no one pays attention to the moon around Christmas time. If it were Halloween, people would be commenting on the way the moon affects people. The moon would be seen as some kind of mystical force. Now no one cares. The only references to the night sky are to the Star of Bethlehem if anything. Yesterday after work I went to the local music store to look for something new. Music is my other addiction second to comic books. Some of this comes from living with two disc jockeys when I was in college. Its easy to get used to free discs on a weekly basis. Now that I have to buy them I try to keep it to about two albums a month. This may not seem like a lot, but I do have a budget that I have to follow. Anyway my point is that I bought another Joe Henry disc. Joe falls into my folk artist category. I like the simplicity of the songs. They're stories that make sense and create a certain atmosphere that makes for great driving music. As an added bonus the Jayhawks sing backup on the album. I guess that I finally realized that Christmas is almost here. How could I not notice you might be wondering? Well, I have an ability to filter out what I consider unimportant and this includes most forms of advertising. Besides I don't think that I have really gotten into Christmas in a long time. Its just another day for me. I do the relative thing for a day or two and then life goes on like nothing happened. Then again I think that Christmas is geared more toward children or people in love. Some of the holiday festivities begin this weekend for me. My mother's side of the family is getting together this weekend. This means that I won't have to cook this weekend. I've been thinking about Wisconsin and whether or not I want to stay here or not next year. Even though I have lived all of my life here in one part of the state or another, I don't know if I want to grow old here. Ginkgo tells me that I shouldn't ask Nicole out if I am planning on leaving the state next year. According to her I need to decide if I want to stay here before I do anything. I can see her point, but my plans for leaving Wisconsin aren't set in stone either. I can tolerate the state, its just that I want to move around a bit before I do settle down. There is so much that I want to do and if I have to do it by myself I will. I want to be selfish just a little longer. Australia is still on my agenda for next year. Plus a more reasonable trip to California in early 1998 is in the works. On the California trip I would have a place to stay and someone to show me around. I know that I can't leave my job for at least another six months. By then I will have close to two years with this company and about three in the field overall. I also need to look around and see where I might want to work. I don't think that I want to work for any of our competitors here in Wisconsin though. Whatever I decide there is no way that I would ever abandon this field. If I did, it would be pure financial suicide. I spent the first two years or so after college being a starving artist and it didn't really appeal to me. Work took me by surprise this afternoon. They actually asked me to do something that I had learned when I went to Omaha. Maybe they want to see what I really learned besides how to spend money. Now that I read this entry over, I sound really bitter for some reason. Or grumpy at the very least. Well, maybe its my artistic temperment asserting itself. There are times when I can be moodier than some women that I know. Maybe I just need some sleep.