Not A Bad Day

Today was one of the best days that I have had in a long time. What made it so wonderful? Well, first of all work was tolerable and this meant that I didn't get upset. This is enough to qualify as a good day for me. Otherwise it was a typical Monday where I managed to do all of my work in the morning and spent the rest of the afternoon trying not to fall asleep. I am still trying to perfect the technique of looking busy when I have nothing to do. Its a very important skill to have in the world of business.

The weather was the second reason for my good day. Its warm here in Wisconsin and I am beginning to doubt that we will have a white Christmas this year unless some major snowstorm happens next week. This won't really crush me. Driving to work is much easier when the temperature is in the forties and not when the roads are covered in snow. I may have driven in Wisconsin winters before, but that doesn't mean that I enjoy doing it.

Now I want to go back to the girlfriend topic from yesterday. I may talk really big, but when it comes to women I am real pushover. Just think of the Commodores tune Easy as you read this entry. I also do a very good lipsynch to the Faith No More version of the song, if I say so myself. Tracy also seemed to like it, but you probably didn't need to know that little piece of information.

Ahem, if I do start to see Nicole it will probably be for a long time. Once I start something I tend to follow all of the way through with it. She will probably get rid of me before I get rid of her. Remember Tracy managed to hang on to me for a year and we had our share of problems. If anyone was wondering, Tracy had a replacement for me living in the house with her a mere two weeks after I had left.

However, if Nicole likes to hang out in bars and has children I will be running the other way as fast as I can. I want to be happy this time around. I don't think that is too much to ask.

One small concern that I have is that Nicole might have some agenda in mind when she sees someone. Yes, I must sound paranoid, but there are women who seem to have everything mapped out when it comes to what they want their boyfriends to do for them. I generally don't fit this mold very well.

I may be a nice guy, but I am not the boy next door either. Or am I?



