Winding Down

Work was slow, but tolerable today. Tony and I were the only two people in our department which in my opinion makes it easier to relax. I find Tony to be much more laid back than Nick. Plus I get to take charge and run things the way I want to do it. This means that I can read whenever I want and still get my job done.

Even though part of the morning was spent watching the clock and yawning, I did manage to be very productive. Autopilot mode can be very effective at times.

Today was just one of those days where it didn't matter what happened. Nothing really seemed to phase me. Work didn't bother me. The commute to and from work didn't bother me. Shovelling the driveway when I got home didn't bother me. Everything seemed really distant from me.

My landlord told me that he is going to get a snowblower soon. He said that he felt bad that he hadn't got one yet, because he had told me that he would. The snow that fell was just the powdery kind, so no heavy workout for me tonight.

I guess I knew that it was going to be a strange day when I woke up this morning, because the song Fool on the Hill by the Beatles was going through my head for some reason. I have no idea why. It wasn't on the radio this morning. I don't own the album and I can't remember the last time that I heard it either.



