Wine and Dine I should really be in bed sleeping, because I have to go into work at 3:00 in the morning. Nick and I are making some changes to the system and we need to do it when the amount of customer impact will be the least. I said that I would stay and leave at noon tomorrow rather than going home and comingback later in the day. Nick didn't seem to mind and if I'm not careful I just might sleep through the new year. Today at work the company that created the current software that we use came in to keep our business. They know that we are unhappy and that we are looking at other products. Businesses do not like to lose customers. I couldn't of asked for a better day. The presentation lasted for most of the morning and then led right into a paid lunch compliments of the saleman. I never turn down free food. Last night and tonight I tried to catch up on some pop culture by renting some movies. Austin Powers debuted on the home screen last night and tonight's selection was the much anticipated Chasing Amy. Now I know that it is unfair to compare the two, because they are from two completely different genres, but I liked Chasing Amy much more than Austin Powers. Myers is funny, but an hour and a half of camp gets old. I think that there is a reason that the skits on Saturday Night Live last only ten minutes. I laughed, but I don't think that I will rent it again. Kevin Smith has a definite style when it comes to telling a story. I noticed quite a few elements carrying over from Clerks that I was happy to see. This included the same kind of dialogue and of course some of the same characters from his first film. The part that always gets me is that I know people like Jay and Silent Bob. They were the people that I hung out with in high school.