Some Feedback

Thankfully I managed to get some sleep last night. Dividing my time between Brenda and work has been taking a toll on me in some ways, and three hours of sleep is not something that I strive for on a regular basis. Yes, I am partly to blame for the lack of sleep and I acknowledge this fact.

Since I got more sleep last night, this meant that I felt every single hour of the day. Work couldn't have moved any slower and the fact that I had nothing to do in the afternoon compounded the problem.

I may be a salary employee, but that doesn't mean that I get to set my own hours. What made it even worse was that the president of the company was standing by the door when I left tonight. He looked at his watch when Tony and I were leaving a few minutes early. I can see his point of view, but he didn't know that I did nothing constructive for him over the past five hours and couldn't take it any more. He would have done more than look at his watch if he had known that I was doing nothing for most of the afternoon.

My trip to California came up in conversation with the women at work. I said that Brenda wasn't too fond of me going. One woman said that Brenda is only a girlfriend until a ring is involved, so I can do whatever I want to do. Besides they pointed out that I had planned the trip long before I met her.

The option of taking Brenda along is not a good one. She does not like to ride in cars for any length of time, so this eliminates the road trip completely if we include her. I also think that it would be unfair to Dan to bring her along. She was not in the plan when we first talked about it months ago. So maybe I'll go and maybe I won't go.

The more that I read of the Welles biography, the more I realize that creative people can never be seen as normal by people who are not creative. Creativity always seems to stem from some kind of pyschological problem. Art can't exist without a neurosis feeding it. I find this statement to be very sad and tend to disagree with it.

