Learning Curve

My mood at work today was all over the emotional map. I guess that I could say that it started off positive and became negative. Early in the morning, I was still hyper from the lack of sleep, so very little of what was going on bothered me. Then as the day wore on, I got more and more sleepy until the only thing that kept me awake was my headphones. Without my music, I would have been lost.

In addition to the daily meetings, every Monday there is one more meeting for just my department. Nick vindicated me even further today from my so called mistake that I had made last week. He proved that we had done as we had been instructed to do by the other department. The customer had made a change without telling us. Its old news as far as I am concerned and I really don't need to pursue it any further, because last Friday I said all that I wanted to say about the subject.

Some days work is not so much a struggle, but a very slow learning experience for me. I do not claim to be the most knowledgeable person in our department. Nor do I claim to be the most industrious member of the group. Most of the time I just fill my niche until I can find what works better for me. What does frustrate me is that I know how close I am to some really interesting stuff, but I never get near it for any length of time. The only time that I learn somehing new is when something goes wrong. The rest of the time its fairly routine stuff.

Being with Brenda gives me something else to focus my attention on when work disappoints me. I don't mean to say that I see her as a distraction, but I'm less restless with her around.

Still reading the Orson Welles biography and Brenda likes the Good Will Hunting soundtrack.

