Caius Caligula My neck, shoulders and back are feeling much better today. I like to attribute this cure to the fact that last night we went to bed early. Sleep works wonders for my body. I knew that we both needed the sleep, because neither of us had slept well the night before. Arguments are not good for either of us. I really wish that we wouldn't have these emotional discussions right before we go to sleep, but then again no time is a good time to have an argument. Last night was a complete contrast to Sunday night. Brenda really loves her job and when she starts to talk about her day it shows. Her speech becomes more animated. Its so obvious that she gets completely involved in what she does at her job. I can understand why she seems so far behind in what interests me, because all of her time revolves around her job. There isn't any time to explore the humanities when you are too busy making money. Money seems to be very important to Brenda even though she denies it. All that she talks about lately is her stock options that take effect in April. I guess that I really shouldnít be too surprised to hear this coming from a business major. Its strange that I can criticize her and love her at the same time. I think that if I was ever given some kind of position of authority, I would be a horrible leader. More than likely my group would usurp me and then kill me. I much prefer to be a second in command type of person. It leaves me room to criticize yet I have some power. Whenever you're feeling down just shout the following few lines and I guarantee that you will feel better. I usually start to laugh before I can complete the whole piece. I have existed from the morning of the world and I shall exist until the last star falls from the night. Although I have taken the form of Caius Caligula, I am all men as I am no man and therefore I am a god. Matthew Sweet samples this bit of film dialogue on his album Altered Beast and I shout it out every time. Well, maybe I donít shout it, but I mouth the words. Sometimes I insert my name to enhance the effect. Foaming at the mouth is not required, but feel free to improvise. Aren't I twisted?  