And the Rains Fell

For reasons unknown to me, the landlord where Brenda lives decided to cut down all of the trees surrounding the building. As far as I could see nothing was wrong with the trees and they certainly seemed to make the area a more pleasant place to live. Just the other day Brenda had pointed out a cardinal in the tree outside her window and said that birds came there often. All through winter she kept telling me how thick the trees get in summer and how they made the building seem more secluded. Now they are all gone. I am still wondering what could have possibly motivated the landlord to have the trees cut down. I thought that trees added to the property value of land, but maybe I am wrong.

The falling rain made it a great morning to stay home and sleep. It would have been great to just get lost in the covers and drift away for the day. Sadly this was not an option for me. Brenda, however, got to sleep in this morning, because she had the day off. I hope that she enjoyed it. When I left this morning she was burrowed pretty deep under the covers with part of her face exposed so that she could breathe. I have no idea when she joined the world of the living.

Music always sounds better to me through headphones, because nothing comes between the music and me. None of the energy of the music is lost as it fills my head. The new Tori Amos cd helped me make it through the day.

Work never lets me down with its commitment to monotony. It excels in this field and will continue to maintain this level of customer service for its employees in the coming months. Watch for more meetings that solve very little. Yes, you too can sit and nod in agreement on topics that hold no personal meaning to you.

I should really stop bashing work, because its far too easy for me and unoriginal at the same time. I could easily finish out the year here and have a solid two years with the company. This will look better on the resume and give me that highly prized experience that most companies seem to want from a new employee. As to how much more interesting my job will be by the end of the year I can not say. For the moment though I will continue to go through the motions with some solid reading breaks when I feel the need to take one.

Yesterday I must have read for over two hours at work. For me this is a definite perk when it comes to my job. Where else can I get paid to read?

One article that I read was about Gertrude Stein. I had already known about her influence on Hemingway and other writers in the 1920's, but I really didn't know much about her. Now I can say that I know a little more that I used to know.

So many of the authors that I like came from that time period. Hemingway, Woolf and Fitzgerald were all active at that time. I think that its interesting that I can like all three of them when in life they couldn't stand one another.

A description of the writing style of Hemingway sounds like me.

drastically short and unadorned sentences, repetition, a "naivete of language" that suggested a complex, inarticulate emotional state

Well that certainly works for me.

Brenda and I spent part of the night in the hospital, because her step father had surgery on his leg.

