something for her I felt like buying Brenda some new lingerie today so I went to the mall. Both of us had saw that there was a sale this week. When I got to the store I found out that dozens of other women also knew there was a sale this week. I would never have imagined that the day would come where I would be sifting through bras amongst a small crowd of women. Sifting might not be the right word, but rummaging would be an overstatement. The women are commenting on the various styles as they dig. Most of the comments are negative and I have to agree. Whatever may have been in the sale bins earlier in the week that was worth purchasing was long gone. What was left really wasn't that flattering. So the end of the story is that I ending up buying something that wasn't on sale, but Brenda seemed to be happy with my selection anyway. The rest of the afternoon was spent at my parents house swimming in their pool. The water was warmer than the last time that I swam there and it was nice to doing something physical for a while. For various reasons, I didn't get to ride my bike since Wednesday, so the swimming made me feel better. While I was there my brother called from boot camp and I got to speak with him briefly. He seems to be doing fine. I guess it was an okay Saturday.