I Feel Good

Brenda and I have been getting along very well lately. Over the past six months I have learned things about myself and I have come to trust her more and more. I may not sound overly appreciative of her at times, but I do love her. Yes, she does irritate me once in a while and I am sure that I do the same to her, but we are getting beyond that now. I do think about her when I am work or she is away. I would not have invested so much of myself into her if I didn't think that she was worth it. She is very important to me and I want us to be together for a long time.

For most of the week, Brenda has been working down at the lakefront where a musical festival is being held. Best Buy has a tent down there and she was chosen to work there for the duration of the festival. Those familiar with the Milwaukee area will know what I am talking about and how much the city promotes it, but the festival is not a fun time for me. Oh, I did it for a few years when I was in college, but standing amongst hundreds of sweating and puking strangers loses its appeal after a while. Long time readers will be familiar with my dislike of large crowds. The paranoid in me thinks that a riot is going to happen whenever a crowd gathers together. Brenda is less familiar with the festival and it has a novelty factor for her. She also sees my point of view which makes me very happy.

Last night was supposed to be a Brenda and Eric night. We were going to stay home and watch movies. I had cooked supper and was waiting for her to come home. By cooking I mean grilling Italian sausages, it wasn't as though I was creating some exotic delicacy. I should however be given some credit for cooking though even though it is the more primitve kind of cooking. Ugh, fire hot. Ugh, put meat on fire.

Anyway, Brenda calls and says that she is bringing someone home with her. Sigh. She also wants to go back to the festival. Insert even bigger sigh here. I guess my cooking supper and wanting to stay home doesn't matter. I should also note that the night before Brenda said that she would be so tired that all she would want to do would be stay home and watch movies. Women have been known to change their minds though.

After some attempts to change my mind, I told her to go with her friend and have a good time. I was in no mood to entertain a complete stranger and walk around in the heat for a few hours. My body was still a little sore from the bike ride and I just wanted to relax. I told Brenda that it wasn't fair of her to try and paint me as some kind of spoilsport when we had made plans the night before. Thankfully we didn't argue. We have gotten much better at understanding one another.

I did some transplanting this afternoon. I am trying to start another hanging plant from the other one that I own.

In geek news, I am looking forward to the release of Mac OS 8.5 later this summer and Mac OS X next year. Now I'm waiting to hear from someone who has actually seen an iMac.

