Emotional Headrush I woke early this morning free of any bad dreams that the still upcoming interview might have given me. All that I remember from the night was the sound of the falling rain. For the most part I followed my usual morning routine except for one thought going through my mind. How was I going to explain the small matter of me being late to work? I couldn't decide whether I should I call and say that I was running late or just deal with the consequences when I got there. I didn't know which would draw the least amount of attention to myself. I went with the latter option, because I didn't want to speak with anyone from work before I went to the interview. Superstition was creeping into my mind and telling me that it might be bad luck. Soon after a quick drive I found myself sitting in the lobby of a possible future employer. Since I was there early all that I could do was sit and look around at the scenery. Soon people started to pass me by and I would wonder if these might be future coworkers or not. The interview went well. There was the occasional lull where I had to formulate the appropriate response, but I think that that I came across rather well. All of the energy that I exerted this morning left me half asleep for most of the afternoon. I went from talking with two people about an exciting new job with possibilities to explaining away from absence this morning with a casual lie. I may not be the most overt person when it comes to religion, but I do think that I have a rather strict moral code that I follow. I haven't quite reached Nick Adams proportions in terms of ritual, but I have certain rules and ways of doing things. Generally speaking lying is not something that I do well or often. Its not me. What made my lie even worse was that the people at work thought that I had been in an accident.  