Reading is fundamental

I'm finding the recent abundance of rain here to be a nice contrast to all of the sun that we had for the past few weeks. Everyone else around me seems to be complaining about it. To me all of this complaining is pointless, because people can't change the weather or at least not yet anyway.

Maybe they are working on it in some secret lab somewhere for some reason or another. A major part of Western culture is built on trying to control as much of nature as possible. The earth is our garden and we are to meant to rule it. All of this will change of course when we get hit by an asteroid.

Ahem. Time to move on here, because its not safe to mix Biblical allusions and science fiction. Hollywood might be able to do it, but I won't.

Rain need not be depressing, its just part of the weather. Besides a person can't really expect the sun to be shining everyday of the week. I don't expect it, because its not natural to me. In my mind these damp days are simply a sign of the things to come. Soon the summer heat will fade and give way to the cool nights of autumn, my favorite time of the year.

My stress level is so high lately with all of the changes that I am trying to do with my life. Its as though my life has suddenly accelerated and I am doing the best that I can just to keep up with it. Each day as I get closer to escape, I edge a little closer to breaking down. Its as though I were rising and falling at the same time.

I found out this morning that one person from where I work also applied for a job where I was yesterday and was turned down. After talking with that person, I found out that there is yet another person from where I work going for an interview there. This second person has yet to go and as to what amount of impact this will have on me, I can not say. I did the best that I could yesterday and there is nothing that I can do now except keep going forward.

I never did bother to ask how many people were applying for the job.

Every so often, I just have to relax and forget about everything and this is where a good book is very helpful. Its a form of stress relief with very few negative side effects. If I had a choice between drinking and reading a book, I would take the book. The book is much more of a long term cure than something I'll dispose of in the toilet a few hours later. I suppose I could drink while I read, but that usually doesn't work very well. Its hard to focus on the print when you're drunk. My impaired concentration level doesn't help my reading speed either.

The new book that I started is called Justice and is the prequel to another novel that I read called Montana 1948.

I had a message on my machine when I got home. They called me to arrange a second interview.

