A two year block Today I walked away from what was a major part of my life for the past two years. I may have complained about the job on an almost daily basis, but I will truly miss some of the people there. Telephone numbers and email addresses were exchanged. These are the people that I saw at least forty hours a week. These are the people who I chatted with during lunch. These are the people who watched me eat all sorts of food for breakfast. Longtime readers will notice that I do not mention too many friends here. Most of the people that I do talk about are the people from work. Its hard for them not to have an impact on my life. I sat in a small office with Nick and Tony for about a year. We would joke and talk every morning. On other days they got to hear me swear for fifteen minutes about something that would set me off. I can't describe how I felt today. The simple thing would be to say is its very similiar to how I felt two years ago when I walked away from my last company. One moment I am feeling complete relief and then I am wondering what the future will bring.   audio input at the moment: Pieces of You - Jewel