september banner


When the rain comes

Ugh. Its that time of the year again. Its football season where it seems everyone in Wisconsin becomes a Packer moron.

Yesterday when I was shopping for my grill, they announced the final score of the game over the public announcement system. Why is this so important to know? Earlier in my shopping trip, I had walked past the televisions and I realized that the game was still in progress. People were standing with their mouths open as they watched the game. I kept on walking and I suddenly knew why the stores were so empty. It wasn't because of the weather, it was because of the Packer game.

Friends of mine who live further north in the state tell me that the obsession is even worse there. I guess that people have less to focus on in that part of the state. I just never understood the whole rooting for a team concept.

I think that my Brenda references will end soon. I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm just trying to resolve a few issues with myself about her. Its hard for me to just walk away. Plus with all of my free time I have plenty of time to think about us and what happened over the past eight months.

The temperature in my house had dropped to a more comfortable seventy eight degrees when I woke up this morning. The cooler temperature and the rain outside my window made it hard to get up though. When it finally got comfortable enough to sleep, I had to wake up.

I finished The Stranger at lunch today. I should have finished it months ago, but it just didn't happen that way.


audio input at the moment:
written input at the moment: The Stranger - Albert Camus
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