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Two more days

The shirt and tie will be a thing of the past for me as of this Friday. Next week I am on my own at work and I will be wearing the clothes that make me the person that I am. The corporate uniform will be discarded.

I still have questions on a daily basis at work, but I am sure that I will survive by myself. Besides the phone calls will be limited at night and the busiest part of my day will be toward the end when everyone else starts their day.

Part of me is already wondering what I will be doing a few months from now at work. I don't want the learning curve to level out too soon. The company does seem to be fairly dynamic, so I am hoping that I won't get bored.

I have a couple of options to counteract any boredom that might arise. One option is that I start to read more books on my shift. The other possibility is maybe taking a class again. Its too soon to say which option I will choose.


audio input at the moment: The Bends - Radiohead
written input at the moment: The Hero with a Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell
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