Bloodshot classic rock Jethro Tull, The Police, Styx, Bruce Springsteen and Pink Floyd accompanied me on my commute home today. I was so apathetic that I didn't even bother to change the station. There I was in my cocoon of plastic and metal being sedated by classic rock. By some unfortunate circumstance the lyrics of these songs are etched in my mind. Don't stand so close to me, because it's a grand illusion and I'm on fire. None of these lyrics are of any use to me, but they occupy space in my head. The lyrics conjure up days from my past of friends smoking pot and wearing jean jackets. These were followed by nights spent drinking beer and hanging out in fast food places. Slowly the pack would dwindle as each of the guys found himself a girlfriend. I really don't miss any of those days. My male bonding days are done and gone. I don't need a close circle of guy friends any more. All that I need is one woman to be with me. I guess that I have mellowed out on the whole concept of the commute. Maybe since I know that it will take half an hour no matter which way I go, I don't mind sitting there and doing nothing. I just succumb to the vegatative state wondering what my fellow travellers in the herd are thinking. Of course no one is waiting for me when I get home either so there isn't any reason to hurry. While I sit there I start to question modern life and my place in it. Am I creating a rut for myself? Is this really living? Am I wasting my time when I should be doing something else? Something tells me that many of the coming nights will be spent brooding over these questions, because the night has always been a time for me to think. For some unexplained reason, my sleeping pattern has gone from barely being able to sleep to wanting to sleep all of the time. A physical side effect of this seems to be bloodshot eyes. I can barely keep them open some of the time. I have to do my dishes before I go to sleep though.   audio input at the moment: The Bends - Radiohead