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I had to hear her say it and she did when we spoke this afternoon. Brenda has moved on without me and I must do the same.

Her family told her that she had made the right decision.

I could examine what happened for weeks, but that would not solve anything. Life is too short. She will never understand me, nor will she try.

She said that I was trying to make her seem like a crazy bitch. The word bitch was her word not mine. I just expressed my side of what I was feeling. Of course it is hard for her to step outside of herself and see my point of view. She referred to them as my concerns. Thank you for being so clinical.

She does not want to bicker anymore and neither do I.

Brenda really does move on the surface when it comes to the important questions in life. Her job is her life and nothing else matters to her. Part of me finds this simplicity to be interesting, but more often than not I find it sad.

All of this may make me sound like a prick, but I don't care anymore.

She used one of the phrases that I hate the most in the English language. "If it was meant to be, then it will happen." What the fuck does that mean? I can not understand how someone can live their life according to that creed. It shocks me and confuses me.

I apologize for my flagrant use of profanity today. I will try to avoid it in the future.


audio input at the moment: The Bends - Radiohead
written input at the moment: The New Yorker
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