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To hell and back

Not suprisingly, I did not sleep very well last night, but I seem to be myself now. Of course I managed to waste most of the morning even though I woke up early. I really need to stop punishing myself, because it is solving nothing.

I saw What Dreams May Come this afternoon. I knew that it was a romantic film, but I still wanted to see the film for the visuals. The plot is really an adaptation of one of the oldest stories. One person braves hell to rescue their lover. Nothing can stand between their love. In this case Robin Williams is the modern Orpheus and Annabella Sciorra is Eurydice.

The first special effect was a world made from a painting. On some levels it worked for me, but it did start to grow old fast. The scenes from hell were much more effective for me. Then again pain can be more powerful than pleasure.

The concept of heaven and hell as constructs of man was the more interesting part of the film for me. These places are what we make of them. The afterlife is simply what a person thinks it will be. All of the details come from the mind of the person.

None of this creating a personal heaven or hell is new. I am sure that countless authors have offered their views on the subject. It has even reached the realm of comic books. Alan Moore did it in The Swamp Thing and Neil Gaiman did it in The Sandman.

The film did have some classical touches that I appreciated. Some of these details included a mention of Cerberus, some hints of Dante and a Bosch painting. The afterlife has long been a subject of art in the Western world and will continue to be so until someone has the definitive answer.

Tis better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven. You just gotta love Milton. What a happy camper. He went blind and kept on writing.

I really don't believe in romance anymore. Over the years it has slowly been stripped away from me. The myth doesn't work for me any more. The women that I date do still believe in it and that is where I fail them.

Brenda said that she doesn't believe in Pretty Woman so that does make things a little easier on me.

If I was a romantic then I would mention the first time that Brenda and I met years ago. We knew each other casually and even danced together once before we drifted apart. Years later we found one another again. A romantic might say that the process will repeat itself. In the immortal words of Journey, the love prophets of the seventies, the wheel in the sky keeps on turning.

The warmth and sunshine today seemed to deny the fact that it is October. These days will be few in the coming months. I should have taken advantage of the weather and gone riding on my bike, but I didn't. All that I did to celebrate the warm weather was grill out tonight.


visual input at the moment: What Dreams May Come - Robin Williams
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