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The return of me

I feel good. I mean it. I really do feel good. Maybe its because I slept the best that I have in a long time. With the advent of an early sunset, sleeping has gotten so much easier for me. When I woke up this evening at six o'clock I was a little disoriented, because it was dark outside. It took me a moment to remember what day it was and what I had to do. Once I had my senses back, I felt very content.

I made my way outside to get my mail and found my latest issue of The New Yorker. Then I came back inside and got comfy for the next few hours.

Yesterday I brought my bonsai back into the house. It had been out on my porch for the past month or so without suffering any adverse effects. It is a tree so being in the elements shouldn't hurt it at all.


I had a piece of mail from yesterday that I didn't open before I went to work. The letter is from where I lease my car. It says that I have an overdue parking ticket. The only problem is I don't remember getting a ticket. I also was not where the ticket said I was at that time and date. Someone made a mistake and I am not going to pay for it.


audio input at the moment: Girlfriend - Matthew Sweet
visual input at the moment: Dawson's Creek
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