Shelby and Chuck Moment of shame. Last night I was flipping through the channels on the television when I saw the opening credits of Baywatch. The name Mitzi Kapture was listed and I had to laugh. I wondered where she had gone after she abandoned Silk Stalkings on the USA network. She went from being the female lead on one soft sex show to being one of a crowd on another soft sex show. Now she walks around in a black bathing suit instead of a hot pink skirt and blue jacket. Yes, it is very scary that I know these things. Beth and Brenda were addicted to Silk Stalkings when they were in college so I have seen my fair share of episodes from being around them. Brenda still likes the program to this day. Sigh. Winterize. Its time to start to getting my house sealed for the winter. I am going to need more than just curtains on my windows for this winter. I know that I have some plastic leftover from last year, but I may need to buy some more. Even though I didn't put up any plastic, I did take my first step in getting ready for winter today by replacing the screen on my porch door with the window. I have yet to seal myself in with caulk, but that might happen in a week or two. Somewhere along the line Shelby and Chuck took it upon themselves to immortalize their union by somehow etching their names on my screen. I have yet to figure out how they did it. Its an old metal screen so maybe it was done by some chemical process. I'm not sure. With the shedding of their leaves the trees have taken away most of my privacy on my porch. The red leaf maple that overhangs my porch is still giving me some shelter, but I know that will end soon. Not that I plan on spending much time out on my porch anymore. Its just strange to have everything so open and unobstructed. Most of the afternoon and the evening was spent at my parent's house. Its been a while since I have been there. Brenda put an end to any visits there earlier this year and even now I still have a hard time being there for any length of time. They all seem to talk so loud or maybe I'm not used to so many people around me at the same time.   audio input at the moment: Girlfriend - Matthew Sweet