One month to shop My easy work week got off to a less than grand start last night. I overslept and was about fifteen minutes late when I got to work. Before I woke in a panic, I remember closing my eyes and saying that I would upload my entry for the day tomorrow morning. I'm not sure why I woke up, but I did. Once I was awake I made a quick phone call to work and I was on my way. When I got to work I realized that I didn't miss anything, because the first fifteen minutes are when they talk about what happened during the day. The worst consequence was that I felt slightly disoriented for the first hour or so. I guess that fifteen minutes isn't that much to complain about and its not as though I make a habit out of being late. Actually two years ago when I first started working at my last job, I locked myself out of my house and was even more late. I had closed the door to my half of the house behind me without checking my pockets. Then when I wanted to lock the outside door I couldn't find my keys. It was winter and I had a habit of changing what coat I wanted to wear. What had happened was that I had left my keys in the pocket of my lighter coat instead of the heavy one that I was wearing. So I could see my car, but I couldn't drive it anywhere. I could also sit in my house and be warm, but I couldn't call anyone because my phone was behind a locked door. All that I could do was sit in the hallway and try to figure out what to do next. Maybe this would have been a good time to own a cell phone, but I didn't have one and I still don't own one. Instead I went next door to use their phone. After making some phone calls, my neighbors offered to let me drive their car for the night. Perhaps I have made myself an island again, but it is my choice. My job and the hours that I keep because of it do keep me isolated from the rest of the world, but I don't mind. I know that I am not the only one to live the life that I do. There are married people, both men and women, that work third shift. Its not the end of the world, even though most people seem to pity me when they hear that I work third shift. Then I think to myself what have I given up by working the hours that I do. Well, I can't hang out in bars on a Friday and Saturday night, but I haven't really done that since college anyway so I don't see that as much of a loss. November is nearly over and I can't really say whether or not it was a good or bad month for me. All that is left is the big meal of the season and it looks as though I'll be doing Thanksgiving with my father's side of the family. I don't have the time to make the five hour drive to my mother's side of the family. If I did make the drive, I would have to come back the very next day. Yesterday I read something that caught my interest. It was another of those discussions of how men and women differ in terms of thinking. For the most pasrt I avoid these kind of things like the plague. I like to see people as individuals not as gender stereotypes. I would also hope that a person saw me in the same way, because if they have some preconceived notion about me then they will see very little of who I am. Basically the author said that men live more in the present, while women dwell on the past and plan for the future. Some comedic elements of how a woman remembers every little mistake that a man ever made toward them were thrown in as well. I, however, like to think that I am better than the stereotype seen on sitcoms such as Home Improvement. Yes, I will admit that I do live in the present, but I do this because I know that the future is uncertain. I know that my time here is limited and I don't want to waste it. I also try to leave the past behind me, because there is nothing that I can do to change it. Brenda certainly had our future planned out for us. She often wondered why I didn't say anything when she started to talk about these things. To me it didn't seem as though I had much say in what would and would not happen with us. Her fantasy of what was going to happen had been created years ago and she was determined to shoehorn me into it anyway she could. I doubt that whatever I said would have made any difference to her. She had to have things her way. Well, she couldn't change my mind and I couldn't change hers. None of this matters now, because its all in the past where it belongs.  