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friday dreams

I guess that I shouldn't be that surprised to find that Neil writes the same in novel form as he did for the Sandman comic books. The overall tone of the book and some of the characters are very familiar to me which is a good thing. I have feeling that I'll probably finish the book sometime in the next few days and then I'll get to choose a new book from the pile to read.

Once again I have not been sleeping well lately. Today my sleep was littered with multiple dream fragments. What follows is a sample of what I can remember.

In one fragment I was at my grandparents house and a large creature that looked like a lion with the head of an owl was trying to get onto the porch. Now that I think about it some more it may have been what they in the north woods call a hodag.

In the second dream fragment I was in college again. My roommates were fictional, yet entertaining people. We were hanging out when we saw about twelve women all dressed the same appear out in front of the house. All of them were dressed as Southern belles and seeing them prompted me to go outside and ask them why they were dressed that way. It seems that they were in a musical production of some sort.

If anyone is wondering about my stance on the recent political circus, I popped in my copy of Olivier's Hamlet when I saw that the impeachment hearings were on all three of the networks this morning. Yes, I like to deny reality from time to time.

written input at the moment: Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
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