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got you where I want you

I know Brenda so well despite not being a daily part of her life since August. She had to cancel on the movie and part of me knew that she would. The holidays have pushed her stress level through the roof and I doubt that she can relax at all lately. When she called she was complaining about all of the presents that she has left to wrap and that her next day off was Christmas.

Without a doubt I do still love her, but I have no idea what if anything she may want from me. She was the one that called me so part of me would like to believe that she wants something from me. I listen to her and talk, but I think that we both kind of step around anything more meaningful. I am supposed to come over and see the new decorations that she put up at her place, but no date was set. I'm just not sure what to do next. Maybe I am supposed to say something and I just don't know it. When we were together she said that I didn't listen enough to her and show enough concern about her, but now that we are apart I seem to listen enough. At the moment it is all very strange to me.

On the book front, I went from reading about growing up on a small farm in Wisconsin to crossing Antarctica and now I am wandering through an underground version of London compliments of Neil Gaiman.

written input at the moment: Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
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