the same but not quite the same Hearing her voice yesterday shadowed my thoughts for most of the day. I called and left a message for her. In the early morning hours at work, I finished the Shackleton book and I have to say that it was a good read. In the beginning I had feared that statistics and other jargon would weigh it down and make it boring, but it wasn't. Then again it would have been nice to have a map plotting where the crew was instead of just giving the latitude and longitude. I can't visualize coordinates very well in my head. Maybe if I had a globe or some good maps readily at hand it would have been better. I don't really question why they went. I am more impressed by what they did. The amount of stamina and determination that these men had was amazing. They endured a seventeen month odyssey that ended with a full crew. Not one man was lost despite everything that happened to them. I may have been a little premature in my recent assessment of work. Now that I look at my notes from when I first wrote them months ago, I have learned a quite a bit in a short amount of time. Learning is what I want from a job. It is what I need to keep me happy. Another new development on the work front is that my schedule has been shifted to start one hour earlier each night. Now my hours resemble a more traditional third shift. Brenda and I talked for about an hour this morning. She sounds good and we might go out tomorrow night.  