december banner


encoding error

Once again the electronic machine has wronged me. My bank account is overdrawn due to an encoding error. A check that I had written for two hundred dollars was processed for eight hundred dollars. Part of me is flattered that someone thinks that I have an additional six hundred dollars to give them, but I don't.

At the moment the whole matter is out of my hands. My bank says that it will take five business days to correct the error. Thankfully I withdrew some cash before this happened, but I can not write any checks until I get paid on the thirtieth of this month. Then when I do get paid, the bank is going to deduct what is supposedly overdrawn.

Everyone seems to want money from me. First the city tries to make me pay for a ticket that wasn't mine and now someone is cashing my checks for a larger amount than I wrote.

visual input at the moment: Cupid - Paula Marshall, Jeremy Piven
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