more to come My cold hasn't crippled me completely, but the dry throat and stuffed up nose have made it hard to sleep and or concentrate. Most of the day is spent shuffling from the couch to the kitchen and back. The idea of food has lost most of its appeal for me at the moment, but I try to keep drinking as much fluid as possible. Despite my physical state, I'll try to compose a final entry for the year. I can't possibly sum up the past year in a few paragraphs so I won't even bother. Those moments are gone and I don't want to try to recreate them here. My words are there and they can be read to see what happened on a closer level. Besides I don't want to take away from what I have written by distilling it into a small catchphrase. I would hope that my life has more meaning than a top ten list of events. What I will say is that I will continue to write in the coming year. Even though there are times when my writing fails me I won't stop. Part of me is very proud of what I have done here and I want to continue to add to it. I will do my best to document what makes me who I am. Beyond that statement I won't make any predictions about the coming year. The future has never been certain for me, but that doesn't mean that I don't hope for a positive one.  