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controlled breathing

I didn't realize how cold it was outside until I drove to work last night. Gradually during the day the temperature had fallen below zero which explained why I was shivering a little in my house. The intense cold had taken me by surprise and my car groaned a little as it started, but otherwise we both did quite well. Without a doubt it is time to start dressing in layers once again. It may take a little while to adjust to it, but I know that I will.

Last night it was announced at work that my boss has accepted a new position and will be moving to days in a matter of months. It was genuinely a sad moment when we heard this news. My boss is truly a pleasant person to work for and it won't be quite the same without him at the helm so to speak. Then as he said change is good. Damn. I hope that the same laidback atmosphere remains unchanged with a new person in control. Yes, I am happy for him, but I have to look after my own interests as well.

For nearly five minutes I watched my breath mix with the other gases in the air as my car warmed this morning. Over and over the tendrils of air would tumble and writhe from my mouth. It seemed unearthly and very elemental to me. The expelled gas was coming from me and I could alter the shape of the wisps at will. I was the one making the turbulent atmosphere before it mingled with the larger one surrounding me. As an added effect the rays of the sun gave my breath a golden tint and made it seem almost sulfuric. Motes of dust and debris were caught within my personal storm. It was childlike and fun, but very me.

Before I went to sleep I felt the hints of a cold in my body and knew that I needed to get as much sleep as possible to fight off the effects before it got any worse. I was partially sucessful in my attempt at self healing. I didn't feel completely miserable when I awoke, but I'm not quite myself either. Huddling under blankets for warmth while I watched television was all that I wanted to do.

visual input at the moment: Dawson's Creek
written input at the moment: Holidays on Ice - David Sedaris
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