one more time It has been a while since I said it, but I have yet to work for a company where I learn as much as I did when I was in school. On the one hand schools can never be quite up to speed with what goes on in the real world as far as techonlogy is concerned, but the learning at a company stops once you understand their system. Most businesses tend to keep the same equipment for a number of years rather than try something new. They will not be getting the cutting edge technology on an annual basis unless they are truly a growing company. In a sense what happens is that cost justification prevents learning. Another topic that I have discussed before is why I am working in a field that has nothing to do with my degree. Whenever I start to work at a new company the question usually comes up in conversation. My answer is that I do it because it is a convenient way to make a good living. Computers are fairly easy for me to understand and I don't work up a sweat. If I lived in a more ideal reality, I would surround myself with creative people and have nothing to do with the world of business. The only problem with this fantasy is that I like to live comfortably and I find very little art in being poor. My job has never been the focus of my life, nor is my job my reason for being. I simply do the best that I can while I am there and forget about it when I walk out of the door in the morning. When I was younger I was more involved with my jobs and it would reach the point where I would dream about work from time to time. Very seldom do I dream about work now, because I don't let it affect me as much anymore. My job does not give my life meaning. I see it as a world that I visit for eight hours a day and leave behind for the privacy of my world. The two of them do not mix. Suddenly it seems as though this is going to be a long year for me unless I make some changes. The California trip prompted some rethinking on my part. I started to wonder what other possibilities exist for me. I know that I'll have to make some decisions in the near future about where I am going in life. All that I can say now is that a move is definitely going to happen sometime this year. As to where and or how far I move I can not say. It will all depend on where I am working later this year. While I was there, Dan told me more than once what his reasons were for moving to California. He even broke them down into percentages for me. Sixty percent was for the weather, twenty percent was for the women and he couldn't give a reason for the remaining ten percent. Now does this mean that I will follow his lead? The answer would be no or at least not for his reasons. Would I do it for a supposed faster pace of living? Well that change can be made by moving to Chicago rather than moving to the west coast. Chicago could give me more money and a more accelerated lifestyle if I wanted it. Then early this morning I got a slightly different point of view about the job situation. My coworker said that I should just relax and be patient, because things are bound to change at work. Of course he has been working there longer than I have so he has a better perspective on the company than I do. Despite my whining, my job does has its good points. My company is well established and offers a good benefits package. There is also the possibility of moving to another location with the company, because we have sites throughout the country. Of course I could always send out some resumes and see what happens. There isn't any real presure for me to find a new job.  