Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


mondays means fun

I went to the movies for the first time this year and saw The Thin Red Line. Odd is the first word that comes to my mind. I had heard that some of the dialogue would be out of the ordinary, but these were soldiers of philosophy. The poetry mixed with lingering shots of the landscape made for a strange afternoon.

It wasn't the kind of film where you have an instant opinion when you leave or at least I didn't. Maybe I need to see it one more time to get a better understanding of what was happening or I could always read the book. Oh, the plot seems simple enough, but the imagery was so dream oriented. What I do know is that I would have preferred less cameos. A complete cast of unknowns would have made it even better.

The previews they paired with the film were just as odd. One of them was for a Sean Connery vehicle called Entrapment. The other preview was for a new film version of A Midsummer Night's Dream. For some unknown reason Shakespeare seems to be in vogue on the silver screen. Why they chose to put these trailers in front of The Thin Red Line I have no idea. Maybe they thought they could get the action crowd and the arthouse crowd at the same time.

I would never pretend that I understand what it is like to be in a war, but I always put myself in the film. I wonder if I would be one of the people who doesn't move, but just cowers there. Maybe I would just go insane and start killing everything in sight. More than likely I would just die and my body would be left to rot in some foreign land.

visual input at the moment: The Thin Red Line
written input at the moment: Poison Elves - Drew Hayes
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