from war to love The film I saw this afternoon was a complete contrast to yesterday's selection. I went from a war torn Guadalcanal in the nineteen forties to a modern day New York City. Once I got used to being the only person in the entire theater, I thoroughly enjoyed At First Sight. Now I know that matinees are slower than the evening shows, but this was a first for me. I was the only soul there, but I didn't mind. I tried to think of it as my very own private screening. I didn't know that it was an Oliver Sacks film until I saw his name in the opening credits. Then when I did see his name I had a general idea of what would happen and I was right. On the surface the film has the same feel as Awakenings. Of course after I saw the film I got online to read some of the story that the film was based upon and noticed the liberties that the film took. Now that I think about it some more, my choice in movies betrays something about me. Suddenly I seem a little soft.  