gattaca goth conversation overheard at the video store this evening: woman: Gattaca? Is that any good?
Hmm. The last time that I watched Gattaca, which I think is a great film, I failed to see the goth element in there. Maybe I should watch it again after this stunning review by this fine gentleman. He seemed very knowledgeable about the world of cinema and he was so articulate. Sarcasm aside for a moment, I still fail to see how he made the connection between genetic engineering and goth. His not liking the film is fine with me. He is certainly entitled to have his own opinion. What I found so strange was his comparison. I truly doubt that he has a real clear understanding of what being goth means, but I think he is really stretching the definition for goth here. The film may have been serious, but I didn't see any stereotypical black fingernails and lipstick. Nor was Uma strutting around in torn black fishnet stockings. Maybe he focused on the element of discrimination in the film and saw this as being goth. Personally I see the film as being uplifting. Ethan Hawke beat the odds. He didn't mope around and feel sorry for himself. He fought back against what he felt was wrong. He knew what he wanted from life and he got it. In hindsight, I should have taken a moment to thank him, because I now have my answer of why Milwaukee only has one art house theater. As much as I make fun of my home town, I often think that I may never leave it. I understand this simple blue collar city with corner bars and bowling alleys and in a sad way it appeals to me. Commonplace or ordinary doesn't have to be seen as a negative and Milwaukee does have its own unique charm that I forget about from time to time. Besides from what I have seen of the rest of the country there are far worse places to live. |