wedding rituals I had a dream about Brenda this morning where the two of us were shopping. Nothing unusual happened until she went to pay for her stuff. For some reason the sales clerk started to get rude with Brenda and I decided that I had better intervene. I spent what seemed like ten minutes verbally abusing this guy and Brenda seemed to appreciate my coming to her defense. It wasn't as though I was swearing at the guy, I just kept deconstructing his behavior to the point of ridicule. He was being an asshole and I let him know it. Shopping with Brenda was always an experience. Since she was from the retail sector she was very critical of the service she received. Very seldom would she say anything to the person, but after we left the store she would tell me exactly what they had done wrong. It was a real educational experience for me. I'm not sure why I dreamt about her, because we haven't spoken to each other in months. With the return of my health, I was able to take full advantage of the day. My being sick the past few days had left a lot of things undone. My house needed some serious cleaning and my laundry pile was higher than ever. Plus I needed to get some food. Unfortunately all that I wanted to do was have fun and relax. Before I could do anything I had to eat something first and turned on the television to help me digest my food. When I tuned into Martha Stewart they were talking about diamond rings which I know absolutely nothing about so I decided to pay attention. Actually jewelry in general is beyond me. I can identify something that is really gaudy, but that is about as far as it goes for me. I would be at a complete loss if I ever had to buy something for a woman. Then they moved on to the construction of wedding gowns with elaborate beadwork. The two gentlemen Martha had on her show reminded me of Sprockets with their slicked back hair and black attire. They fit the stereotype perfectly and I had to wonder if they do this intentionally. Then again if you are a man designing bridal gowns being a little eccentric is probably a given. Tracy worked in a bridal store when we lived together so I do know a little more about bridal gowns than jewelry. Each day after work she would talk about the different fabrics and so on. Plus she would bring home various bridal magazines and leave them lying around the house. Out of curiosity I would page through them every so often. I was amazed at the variety of styles and the cost. To be honest I find the whole industry behind a wedding mind boggling. The amount of time and planning that goes into one day is frightening. Even the people who don't go to the extremes of someone like Martha Stewart devote a lot of time and money into what is an ancient tradition. I also have to wonder at what age does a girl starts to think about this stuff. Then I start to wonder if this is a good thing. For a time I joked that I dated divorced women so I that could avoid an elaborate ceremony. My reasoning was that a divorced woman would be less inclined to have a big wedding when they already did it once before. Even now I still have my doubts that I could endure the whole day. Being the center of attention or trying to work the crowd would wear me out. I know that I wouldn't want to ruin the day for my wife, but it would still be a strain on me. Naturally Brenda had our wedding all planned out. We wouldn't have a ceremony, but there would be a big party at some later date. The topic came up slightly less often than the topic of having a baby. Of course all of this talk about weddings and having babies is moot. I have to have a girlfriend first and at the moment that is nonexistent. The hours that I keep prevent me from meeting new people and I'm not sure if I want to have a girlfriend right now. As shallow as it may sound I have the freedom to do what I want to do and I don't have to divide my time with another person. Maybe I'll meet someone who will change my mind, but until then I am content to be just me. After my wedding lesson for the day I laid back and read the Sunday paper, because I hadn't got around to it yesterday. I read about absinthe which I knew of from my reading of Hemingway, but until today I was never quite sure what was in the drink. I knew that it green and highly potent, but the ingredients were a mystery. I also never knew that it was illegal in some countries. Now they say that it is making a comeback due to the internet. Chinese New Year. I just found out that we are now in the year of the rabbit. The Chinese restaurant on the corner of my block has had a sign all week declaring the new year, but I never got around to looking more into it. American culture doesn't really pay that much attention to the Chinese calendar and sadly neither do I. I saw an attractive woman wearing overalls in the laundromat today. By definition overalls are something that makes a woman look sexy and a man look like a moron.