white replaces gray The snow that I was expecting yesterday afternoon started to fall an hour after I got to work last night. Winter was coming back whether or not anyone wanted it to return. Groans were heard at work when the snow started to fall, but for me this is all a part of living in Wisconsin. Winter is not over in March and people should know that by now. Actually from what I understand it is supposed to snow off and on for most of the weekend and continue on into part of next week. I welcome the snow, because I would prefer to have it white outside rather than gray. Winter is so much easier to endure if at least it looks pretty. Maybe I should head north for the weekend. Snow may be a pain in the city, but in the north woods it has a completely different effect. The land takes on a magical appearance. My good mood of the past few days is still intact. Most of my usual complaints are under control. My job is getting better and I am healthy. I'm not exactly sure why when I am feeling good I tend to write less. Maybe it isn't as easy for me to sound giddy as it is to sound angry. I had a talk with my manager this morning and some good things are coming my way and these don't sound like hollow promises either. The pace will definitely pick up within a week or two and what I am going to learn will be worth my time. Now I can focus my attention on other things rather than looking for another job which is a real pain. At the rate I am going I should be finishing Cold Mountain sometime this weekend. It may have been slow going in the beginning, but now that I am nearly done I'm not disappointed.