fraudulent zodiac I am such a poser. Here I am back again after a long and whiny entry. I thought some more about my grand declaration of yesterday and realized that I am not stagnant. Part of me wants to blame the faulty writing on indecision. I have reached another turning point in my life, but I can't say what it is that I want just yet. So even though it may not seem like it all of the time, I am still trying. A person has to understand that I often fire off into a hundred different directions at once, but that is me. I doubt that this way of living will change for me and I see this as a good thing for me. I run from one idea to the next and not all of them make it here, but very seldom is my mind idle. I will continue to write my simple little journal with a minor insight here and there. It is hard to abandon something that has been with me for so long. It may not be the most exciting tale, but I try to see the beauty in the quiet moments of life. Besides who can grow tired of talking about life. My life has never been very direct. Very little of it has been planned out. More often than not I simply let it happen. I do believe in free will, but I also recognize that there are things beyond my control. Clad in my flannel lined jeans I unburied my car from the snow this afternoon. I have yet to understand how the aerodynamics of my car can cause two foot drifts to surround it when only seven inches of snow fell.