Out of Africa

After I uploaded an entry last night, I tried to calm down. I knew that I did not want to work on the resume anymore. Sunday was supposed to be my day. Brenda was gone and I finally had some time to myself. No one would be waiting for me. Yes, I would have to feed Pepper, but nothing else was required of me.

Ever so slowly I let myself fall into Out of Africa. Sometimes that is all that I need to relax. People might say that movies are pure escapism, but I like to think of them as something more though. There should be some message within the film in order for it to hold my attention.

Out of Africa appeals to me, because of the colonialism. The practice seems so foreign today, but if it weren't for that concept this country would never had been formed. The whole story seems so mythical to me. The Europeans descend upon the land and tame it to meet their needs. They become a father figure that was not asked for by the local people. Yes, I am very prone to what might be considered melodrama by some people.

Of course, everything that happens in the film took place before the concept of political correctness and feelings of guilt. One country could rule another country and create something great without thinking about the long term consequences.

Brenda had joked that I would stay at her house, because she has cable. In some ways she might be right. On the other hand, I might not stay there tonight, because it felt very strange not having her next to me in bed.

Brenda would prefer that I slept in her bed. To be more precise she doesn't want me to sleep in the bed that Tracy and I shared. Now this may seem irrational, but I see this more as a woman thing. I mean I would think that her husband and her shared the same bed at some point in time. Then again she did say that they had separate beds when they were together.

When I went over last night, someone had taken my usual spot next to her car. Since she has a two bedroom apartment, she has two spots to park. One is for her and the other one is for me. I am not sure why this bothered me so much.

The trip to Minneapolis took an additional two hours, but they made it one piece. Brenda does not like to spend any length of time in a car, so this was a real haul for her. Of course when she got there she had to find some beer. It seems to be her way to relax.

Work went fairly smooth today, not that it wasn't good to get away for three days. I also got an apology today. On Friday, it was discovered that our program had a bug in it that erased some of the data. What they thought I had not done a few days ago had in fact been done and then erased by the program. Yes, I have been vindicated, because before their own eyes they saw the data disappear.

This recent revelation should lower the tension level in our department for a while. I know that I will feel better. Holding a grudge is not something that I like to do for any length of time, because it is too self destructive. I am still leaving though.

Now I have to make it through Tuesday.

