In the Mail

It cost me some sleep, but I managed to get some resumes ready for this morning. My problem is that I do not own a printer. This means that I had to use a service or my parents printer. Since my parents do not charge for use of their equipment, I chose them instead of a service.

After I uploaded an entry last night, I drove to Brenda's place to feed Pepper and spend some quality time with her. While I was there, I made something to eat and tried to unwind from the day. A biography on William Shatner put me in a goofy mood as I left for my parents house.

Now that I have a resume and a cover letter ready to go its just a matter of changing the variables and mailing them out on a weekly basis.

My much talked about usual commute does not include any heavy highway traffic, because I prefer to cut through the city. This morning though I was forced to use the interstate for part of my drive and I know that I am not missing anything from my commute. Coming to an almost complete stop on the interstate is not something that I need on a daily basis.

I really didn't have any problems waking this morning. The real problem will be staying awake this afternoon.

Removing all emotional issues from my job, the biggest dispute that I have with my company is my pay. There are four people in my department. My boss would prefer that our knowledge would be interchangeable. I know, however, that our salaries are not. I do not see why I should accept as much responsibility as someone who gets paid more than I do. Pay me more and I will be willing to take on the additional responsibility. I mean if I do learn more and do more I should be compensated for my efforts.

I think the fact that I can still do my job on about four hours of sleep indicates that it isn't very thought provoking to me. Maybe I fooled myself for too long that it was just a day job and really didn't matter to me. I want something more from my next job. Creativity would be a nice element.

Nick and Tony have been complaining about how our department acts like four elements. Each of us is independent of the others actions, but at the same time are held accountable for one another. Very little of what this company does makes sense to me.

Business bores me and I find it uncreative and unrewarding.

Brenda started to panic because she was unable to get a hold of me last night. I knew that this would happen, but the last time that I called her hotel was at ten thirty and she still wasn't home. I figured that she was partying and I was right. While she was partying, I was busy printing resumes and cover letters. Everything is fine now.

Trust me people I am not looking for another girlfriend. One is enough for me.

I would write some more, but I am so tired. Its a struggle to sit here in front of the computer. My pillow is calling me.

