Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


seeking shelter

Surprisingly the entry from yesterday sounded rather upbeat. In reality I was pissed off for most of the day and I can't really remember why now.

After work this morning I bought a small pair of shears to trim my bonsai tree. I haven't cut it once since I bought it, but I think that I am ready to try it now. It really needs to be trimmed, because it should resemble a tree not a small bush. I really want to baby it this year and maybe get another one.

My aloe plant died about a week ago, but I guess it had a good life. I started it from a neglected plant when I was in college. Another guy living in the house had abandoned it and I claimed it as mine. So it lived another six years under my care.

I suddenly wonder if other people know how old their plants are or if I am just weird. Well, people who raise bonsai trees know how old they are so maybe I'm not alone.

For my next reading choice, I wanted something to offset the two war novels I had just finished. I thought that maybe I should read something more light hearted. Maybe I should read something more funny. Then I thought did I ever read anything that was funny. I thought Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris was funny, but it still had its bitter moments. Then there were the Tom Robbins books that I read years ago.

Early tonight I was given another reason to look for a new place to live besides the insulation problems. My landlord is selling the place and was wondering if I was interested in buying it. I had been given the chance to buy it when the previous owners left, but I couldn't afford it at that time. Now that I can afford it, I don't want it anymore. I need a change of scenery and I don't want to have a tenant.

The possibility of buying a condo is sounding better to me. I want to pamper myself with a garage and a more modern place. I certainly like the charm of my place or I wouldn't have stayed here for over three years, but I am ready for something different. Then there are the flaws that I won't miss when I leave. I can say goodbye to tacky ceiling tiles in my bedroom and a creaky floor.

November would be the start of my fourth year here, so I think that I have done all that I can with where I live. During my stint here, I changed jobs twice and had two different cars, but always came back to the same place. Of course there were the eight months when I lived with Brenda, but for the most part this was my sanctuary. Finding a new place would add some excitement to my life and I can start fresh. With the move I can get rid of some things that I don't need any more and take my time decorating the new place.

One part I am dreading is when they have to show the house. With my schedule, I am bound to lose some sleep unless they do it in the early evening hours. Thankfully the previous owners were real good about working around my schedule. I would stay awake until the prospective owners came through and then I would go to sleep.

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