a primal pattern After work this morning, I looked at two possible places to live. I didn't go inside either of them, because it was too early for a tour. I just saw them from the outside, which was enough for now and I was happy that I had made the effort. Both of them had good locations, but something that Brenda said to me came to mind. They were part of small communities where each unit looked exactly alike. Her complaint was that a person would come home drunk and not know which was the right one. It wasn't as though we drank to excess that often, but the comment was heard quite frequently when we would pass various complexes in our search last fall. It was a key part in the decision process for her. Every place that I have lived in has had some characteristic about it that set it apart from its surroundings. Each of them was unique and left a distinct impression on me. I even did a watercolor painting of the house that I lived in when I was in college. The painting is flawed, but I am glad that I did it. It was where I called home for two years of my life and holds many memories for me. I keep telling myself that I should do some paintings of where I live now, but I never seem to get around to doing one. There is one drawback to moving into a more modern place. If I stayed in my current house, I would have spare money to travel, but if I got a more expensive place then that cushion would be gone. The added expense in rent would eliminate any real possibility of travel. It seems that I can have either one or the other, but part of me wants to have both choices. I want to be greedy just for a little while. I can't believe all of the thought that I am putting into moving. No wonder I never left the state to live somewhere esle, when I have enough problems moving a few miles to another part of the same city. Maybe I am just being practical and am trying to avoid making a mistake. The optimist in me would like to think that I'll be making enough money in two years to want to move again, but I can't say for sure that that will happen. Then there is the hassle of physically moving my stuff and getting my family to help me. The last time that I moved we used a suburban to haul the bigger furniture, but my parents sold that so I might have to rent a truck this time. Driving a rental truck is fun, but costs money. The year that I lived with Tracy, I moved three times. First I moved out of my place to live with Tracy. Then three months later I moved out and in with my parents, because Tracy had spent all of my money. Then a month later I moved into the place where I am living now. My crazy sleep pattern seems to dictate when I upload an entry. The upload time keeps shifting further and further into the next day. Maybe I should work on changing that nasty habit. My new obsession for the moment is the Aran Islands. When I do make my way to Europe going there is a must for me.