Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


good weekend

Now that my porch door is unsealed, I can walk outside in the morning and tell what the weather is like without having to go downstairs. Yes, it may be a little thing, but it is nice to be able to just step outside and feel the breeze. Now if my view were of something a little more dramatic then that of my neighbor's backyard I would be even happier. A mountain vista or a lake of cobalt blue would do quite nicely.

The fluctuations in temperature tell me that spring is trying to make its presence known. Clear skies and bright light lull me into thinking that summer is here, but once the sun goes down the night tells another story. In the end the warm days will win over the cold nights, but for now all that I can do about it is wait. At least the snow has been banished from sight except for a few remote shady pockets that shelter dirty snow.

Martha Stewart enlightened this morning me as to how brown sugar is made. I confess that I didn't know that until today. I always thought that they baked white sugar or maybe it came from a different kind of sugarcane. Maybe if I had taken the time to read the side of a package I could have figured it out, but now I know better and I have her to thank for it. I think that I am okay until I start to call into the show to ask her questions.

Today makes two good days in a row for me. Actually life in general has been good for me lately and I want that trend to continue as long as possible. After I made some long overdue phone calls, I headed out driving with the window down and Men at Work on the radio. Today was definitely a day of self indulgence with me buying new clothes and comic books.

A well known greenhouse is located a few blocks down the street from where I live. I can't count how many times that I have driven by it, but today was the first time that I ever went inside. They had mentioned bonsai tress on their sign at one time and I wanted to see what kind of selection they had for sale. What they had to offer was nice, but much more expensive than what I paid for mine last year. Most of them started at fifty dollars while I only paid twenty-five for mine. Each of them also had a tag saying that they were not responsible for them if they died.

Part of me expected to hear from Brenda last night. She had called last Sunday, but it didn't happen this time. A woman at work said that it might have been a drunken phone call, but that sounds so sad. Then again it did seem strange to hear from her at one in the morning when she hadn't called all year. Yes, I work third shift, but I doubt that she remembers what my work schedule is for the week or knew that Sunday was my day off.

It would be nice to see a movie and or go to dinner with her, but that probably won't happen. I may have made the transition from being the asshole, but it may still be too soon for visual contact.

Tomorrow I'll go look at some more potential homes for me.

music: Central Reservation - Beth Orton
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