midnight tanning There are times when I can't read people very well. Most of the time I take them at face value and only question what they say later. A good example would be the strange conversation that I had with a coworker last night. It all started when he saw that I was reading The New Yorker. He just shook his head and said that it was a phase that I would outgrow someday. I found this to be odd. I'm not sure what kind of impression my reading The New Yorker gives people. I read it, because I like the magazine. I like the fiction, the photos and the reviews. I'm not sure what kind of message I am sending out when people see me reading that magazine, but I hope that it would be a positive one. Am I creating a subversive image or a conservative one here? What I do know is that lack of sleep seems to be the only vice that I have left in my conservative lifestyle. I have never smoked cigarettes. I only drink about once a month and it has been months since I smoked something illegal. Sex also is unheard of at the moment so my life certainly does not fit the madcap bohemian mold. In addition to the above, I do not wear vintage clothing and I do not like coffee. About the only hip things that I have going for me are a longing to travel through Europe and reading The New Yorker. Recently on the radio station at work they have been advertising tanning sessions at a local chain. Now there is nothing unusual about tanning, but the time for these sessions made me wonder. They are offering sessions from midnight to six in the morning. Now my question is who tans at two in the morning? Are they targeting the after bar crowd? I can just picture some drunken slob passing out in a booth and getting thoroughly fried. Or maybe second shift workers like to get a quick session in after work. Tomorrow I am heading out of town for a few days.