Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


for sale by owner

I'm not sure why my writing has tapered off again. For the most part I have been in a pretty good mood except for the bad taste left in my mouth from the trespassing incident. I guess that I could use the Easter dinner with the family as an excuse for Sunday. Three hours of sleep, too much home cooked food and some good Irish beer made me a little sleepy by the time that I finally got home.

Here I am at three in the morning reading online journals. I turned the television down so that I could hear the rain falling on the roof. Unfortunately the sounds of the computer and refrigerator are louder than the rain.

It would seem that my landlords are taking an aggressive approach to selling the house which shouldn't come as a surprise after the stunt they pulled on me. A note appeared on my door Monday morning telling me that they would like to show the house from six to nine three nights in a row this week. Tonight was the first of the three and it was rather painless. Only one couple came through and it was at about quarter after six so the rest of the night was mine.

In preparation for the showing, I cleaned my place the best it has been all year and I have to say that it looks really good. After I was done I went around the house and took pictures of each room.

When I was cleaning I got a sense of what I own and it bothered me a little. Somehow I have managed to accumulate a lot of stuff over the years and I am not sure if that is a good thing. Without a doubt I own far more than I did when I moved in three years ago.

On Sunday morning after work, I drove by the one place that really appeals to me. It is located in a very upscale part of town and has all of the amenities that I am looking for in a place to live. Underground heated parking and air conditioning are part of the package. Now all that I have to do is call and make sure that there is still an opening.

For some reason I have lost interest in seeing any movies be it in theater or otherwise the past few weeks. Maybe with the onset of the warmer weather sitting in a theater has lost some of its appeal. Tonight I decided to break that trend and rented some movies.

One of my choices was Hellraiser III, which I got simply because Paula Marshall was in it. From what I have read it was one of her first film appearances ever and I was curious to see what she looked like six years ago. Well, it certainly wasn't an academy award winning performance, but it was cute to see her be a bit of a Goth girl instead of her more professional role that she did on the television series Cupid.

There was a time when my circle of friends was into horror movies. Of course this was a decade ago when we were in high school and piled into a car after a group vote on what we wanted to see that night. The funny part is that the Hellraiser films were part of our selection and I can even say that I saw the first two in the series on the big screen. I also remember The Prince of Darkness being another popular choice at the time. Someone had bought a copy and we would watch it over and over. Now however the whole genre does very little for me. I want something a little more thought provoking from a movie.

Dateline had a nice piece on Ernest Shackleton this evening. I didn't read the book that they cited on the program, but the book that I read still gave a great account of what they endured. Those men were truly amazing.

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