a section of an Andrew Wyeth painting


friday night social

Before I got home from work I had thought about going out to see a movie Friday night. Usually I go to a matinee on either Monday or Tuesday afternoon, but I thought that it might be nice to get out of the house on a Friday night. In some ways it would bring me closer to what other people consider a normal social schedule.

Well, since the movie that I wanted to see was just opening and the rainy weather made such great sleeping weather, I decided to go with sleeping for as long as possible instead of trying to fight a Friday night movie crowd. Dark clouds bringing cool air and the sound of rhythmic rain made the house so comfortable that I didn't want to leave. Staying home wrapped in warm blankets seemed like a much better idea than sitting in a crowded theater on a Friday night. Maybe on some level that makes me sound pathetic, but that was the choice that I made.

Every so often I think that maybe I have set myself too far away from everything. I'll be the first to admit that my social life has shrunk to an almost non-existent level. The only people that I interact with are the people from work and I do think about changing that from time to time. I mean there are times when I think that it would be nice to have a girlfriend again.

Waking up with someone next to me and being able to hold her are moments that I miss from my life. Besides the physical contact, it would be nice to have someone new to talk with on a regular basis. Of course a few things do stand in my way. I don't meet very many new people with the hours that I keep and I doubt that I could follow any kind of traditional form of dating with my work schedule. All of my social activities at night have to end early with me working third shift. So I am at a bit of a loss of how to change my current situation.

I suppose I could try to start going out with some of my married friends again. Nothing makes being single more obvious than being around married people. They instantly feel as though my status is somewhat lacking compared to what they are experiencing and try to correct the matter.

book: To the Wedding - John Berger
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