Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


the backlash begins

I find it odd that a whole day can go by and I have nothing to say about it. Usually I can find some element of interest in the everyday, but today it doesn't seem to be happening. Part of me wants to try though, so here I go.

When I got home from work, I was eager to recapture some of the sleep that I had lost from yesterday, but I only slept for about four hours. I briefly tried to fall back asleep, but I couldn't. Then after I gave up all that I did was lounge around with the television on in the background. Somehow in the accelerated world that surrounds me, I can make the hours slow to a crawl if I want.

The New Yorker gave a scathing review of the Phantom Menace and I can agree with some of their reasoning. The film did lack character development, but this has never been a strong point for Lucas so I wasn't expecting that much in that area. I sincerely believe that the effects are more important to him than the actors.

Then Lucas uses some of the same motifs that he used in episode four. The parallels were so obvious to me, which does make sense. A son does mirror the father and vice versa.

What I did miss was a Han Solo character to interject some much needed sarcasm. I prefer sarcasm to slapstick when it comes to comedy.

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