Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


geek peer pressure

It started with one question. Someone at work asked me if I wanted to go with them to see the Phantom Menace. My original plan was to wait until Monday to see the movie, but something in their argument appealed to me. They doubted that a showing at ten in the morning would be sold out. Their reasoning was that most of the diehard fans would have seen it at midnight or have tickets for the showings at night. When we got there, I found out that they were right. We didn't have to wait at all and I was happy that I worked third shift.

I vaguely remember the effect that seeing the first Star Wars film had on me twenty-two years ago. Now from an adult point of view the latest installment didn't seem as magical to me, but I still enjoyed it. With the knowledge of the other three films to guide me I could sit back and watch the pieces fall into place. One thing that I could have done without was the comedic relief, but the film is intended for children so I can see why it was there.

I haven't made up my mind if I'll go to see the movie one more time or not. Some of the scenes were packed almost to the point of visual overload and I may have missed some of the finer details. Actually what I enjoyed the most about the film wasn't the computer generated effects, but the costumes that the queen and her handmaids wore. They must have been derived from some Chinese patterns with their striking deep red and gold fabrics. Of course having Natalie Portman as the queen helped, because I find her to be very attractive.

It has been a long time since I went to the movies with a big group of people. It almost felt like I was in high school again. I also can't remember the last time that I went on an opening day either.

My feeling is that if people just take the movie by itself, it is a rather nice little film. Lucas tells the same story that he has always told and this piece fits quite nicely into the mythos that he created. People just need to see it with an open mind and try not to see it as some major historical event.

After I got home from seeing the movie, I purchased my airplane tickets for Nova Scotia. I also reserved a car for the week when I get there. Now all that I have to do is investigate a few more places to stay and I'll be all set.

It feels good to be building toward something once again. I might even try to squeeze one more trip in before the end of the year, because my company is not allowing any vacation time during the month of December.

A person at work asked me if I minded traveling by myself and I said no. My last company sent me to Omaha, Nebraska for three weeks of training and it didn't bother me being there by myself. What makes this trip even better is that I won't have to deal with classes. The focus will be on having fun and I can do whatever I want to do.

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