Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


so they left

Quite often I have a habit of expecting the worst in situations which may not be the best way to see things, but today it worked to my advantage. What I mean is that Mark and Vickie were leaving today and I had no idea what to expect from the new owners. Whether or not I was ready for the change of guard, it was happening.

A moving truck had been parked in the driveway last night when I went to work and they started to load it up soon after I got home this morning. For a brief moment, I almost didn't want them to leave for fear of how the new owners would treat me. As much as Mark and Vickie annoyed me, I could relate to them since we were roughly the same age.

Then the questions started in my mind. Would there be understanding between us in the coming months or would it just be business for them? Somehow I would have to learn to live with new people beneath me and establish some kind of rapport with them. Suddenly my little corner of the world had been altered and there was nothing that I could do about it. It all seemed very odd to me even though I had done it once before here.

The first thing the new people did this afternoon was some major landscaping of the yard. A chainsaw quickly removed about a half dozen low lying limbs from the red maple and decorative bark was spread around the base. Then flowers were planted in the beds that Mark and Vickie had neglected. In just a few hours the yard seemed less dreary and more open with these changes. I also took it as a good sign that if they cared this much about the lawn, they would probably be just as attentive to the house itself.

Then when I finally went down to introduce msyelf, I got even better news. They said that I get to park my car in the garage. That was the last thing that I was expecting to hear from them. It seems that they only own one car and they didn't see why I couldn't use the other stall. I'm not sure if they knew how grateful I was when I heard this offer. This will be the first winter ever that I have been able to park my car in a garage.

Once I got past the awkward introductions, I could relax and get back to preparing for my trip.

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